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Volg datum > Datum: maandag 23 april 2007, 22:1423-4-07 22:14 Nr:83377
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:83366
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: Bah Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Ellen Vlaming schreef op maandag 23 april 2007, 15:38:

> Wat verschrikkelijk !! Heb het filmpje niet eens af kunnen
> kijken ,, de tranen stonden in mijn ogen ...

> onmenselijke filmpje .
> Hierbij is meer van toepassing : Red de dieren van de
> Beesten !!

Op de wedstrijdstal waar ik nu mee draai, komt alles naar boven.
De eigenaar heeft zo veel liefde voor het paard maar hij is tot nu toe de enigste met die passie.
De rijlessen en trainingen zijn niet om aan te zien!!! B, Z, GP het zegt me niets meer. Ze rijden hier alsof er deuken in die paarden moeten komen en slaan er nog eens met de zweep achterop. Bekkentrekken omdat het paard de mooie grond moet kunnen zien en zo een hapje van zijn borst af kan bijten. Als je dan kijkt hoe iemand alleen in de bak rijdt met een eigen paard oh WOW die arrogantie BAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Ze zitten erop en kijken op je neer alsof je een worm bent en tegelijkertijd prikken en slaan ze er op in, LET WEL! in stap.
Ik draai me nu al automatisch om als ik weer iemand zie rijden, het is gewoon walgelijk. En daarbij zijn het ook nog wedstrijdruiters van hoog niveau.

Bannen die handel.
Volg datum > Datum: vrijdag 18 mei 2007, 23:5718-5-07 23:57 Nr:85034
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:84950
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: kijk en laat uw mond openvallen Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Nathalie Lagasse schreef op donderdag 17 mei 2007, 7:32:

> =-: =-: =-: =-: =-:
> Oliesjeiks met geld teveel.

Bah alwéér een soort machinerisering van paarden.
Vreselijk gewoon, wanneer wordt het mensen nou eens duidelijk dat paarden geen machines maar levende wezens zijn? Vreselijk.
Volg datum > Datum: zondag 27 mei 2007, 0:0627-5-07 00:06 Nr:85690
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Getrainde ganzen in opstelling Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Vandaag naar de Efteling geweest en zie daar wat een plaatje. Een muziek fanfare met een stoet ganzen in het midden, 3 keer fluiten en ze gaan achter elkaar in een rij mee met de stoet. Benieuwd als ik ben vroeg ik op een gegeven moment hoe ze dit nou voor mekaar hebben gekregen ´Clickertraining´. Gewoon weg geweldig en misschien iets voor Piet de kippenclickertrainer? Alle kippen netjes op de plek en achter mekaar in de rij (het liefst nog met een fanfare), zou het lukken?

Volg datum > Datum: maandag 28 mei 2007, 19:4828-5-07 19:48 Nr:85741
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Hengst brengt veulen om Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006

Ik heb het vermoedde dat de hengst het veulen heeft omgelegd omdat er gewoonweg iets niet mee klopte. Urenlang en nog steeds niet op zijn benen.
Maar dan nog de vraag zou dit ook een geval van ´niet mijn veulen´ kunnen zijn?

Go ahead :)
Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 5 juni 2007, 23:405-6-07 23:40 Nr:86930
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:86818
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: goowin' too de roodéjoo Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Peter Donck schreef op dinsdag 5 juni 2007, 10:05:


'Het is onze mensen opgevallen dat de paarden nauwelijks gebokt hebben'
Ja hoor :) en dan zeggen de rodeomensen dat ze het zo leuk vinden en uit zich zelf doen :)
Volg datum > Datum: zondag 17 juni 2007, 12:1417-6-07 12:14 Nr:87920
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:87897
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: maneges Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Corinne schreef op zaterdag 16 juni 2007, 20:04:

> Gisteren kwam ik in een manege terecht ivm een feestje. We
> mochten van de eigenaresse eens rondkijken. Dat zou ik toch
> welleuk vinden zei ze nog????

> gezet........
> Dat moest ik even kwijt.
> Corinne

Tja Corinne dat is bij de meeste manege´s zo. Verstand van paarden 0 laat staan respect en kennis.

Als er ooit verbod op komt belandden ze in de slacht, maar dat is vele malen beter dan het perverse leven in de manege.
Volg datum > Datum: zondag 17 juni 2007, 20:5517-6-07 20:55 Nr:87938
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:87921
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: maneges Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Corinne schreef op zondag 17 juni 2007, 14:55:

En dat is niet
> moeilijk daar alle paarden als rijpaarden gebruikt worden.

Corinne daar zit je helemaal fout mee. Veel paarden zijn niet geschikt om bereden te worden en tòch wordt er op gereden met een vervroegde slijtage als gevolg. Veel te vaak zie je dat voorbij komen.
Volg datum > Datum: woensdag 20 juni 2007, 23:0320-6-07 23:03 Nr:88311
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:88279
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: tranen in mijn ogen bij video longeren met lammert haanstra Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Arabesk schreef op woensdag 20 juni 2007, 19:16:

> De man zal echt de beste bedoelingen hebben, maar eigenlijk is
> het gewoon paardenmishandeling.

Zeg dan gewoon dierenmishandeling, paardgericht nee(!) diervriendelijk.
Al die gruwlijkheden toch daar wordt ik gewoonweg niet goed van. Het sprookje over dat een paard zich goed moet voelen om te presteren heb ik al in de vuilnisemmer gegooid. Laatst nog een opgekruld paard gezien die in de Z springt, bloedrode ogen en tekens genoeg van protest en pijn maar met de spoor erbij blijven ze wel lopen. Daarvoor liet ik ook een traan of twee vallen. Waarom zien mensen dat niet?!
Volg datum > Datum: donderdag 21 juni 2007, 23:3121-6-07 23:31 Nr:88390
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:88336
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: tranen in mijn ogen bij video longeren met lammert haanstra Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Huertecilla schreef op donderdag 21 juni 2007, 9:23:

> Arabesk schreef op woensdag 20 juni 2007, 23:33:
>> Ik snap het ook niet hoor, hoe blind kan je zijn????????

> oplossingen, maar PNH spoort (bewuste woordkeuze) goed en is
> ook in dat opzicht een schoolvoorbeeld van eenzame hoogte.
> HC

HC ik moet dit toch écht even kwijt. Ik weet dat mensen héél anders kunnen zijn in real life maar soms kom je me eerlijk waar over op een hypocriet. Verstand van paarden heb je wel, kennis ook en kunde. Op jou foto´s die ik gezien heb zie ik frisse en blije paarden, je weet wel waarmee je bezig bent (heel goed zelfs).

Tja, dat bitloos ook niet het ware is ben ik zelf ook al achter. Op een paard zitten is nu eenmaal schadelijk én paardrijden is egoistisch. Jijzelf geeft aan je paarden te gebruiken als vervoermiddel om dóór de natuur ván de natuur te genieten. Dit doe je wel verantwoord tegenover het paard (of nouja verantwoord), je zit erop met een zadel en een touwtje om de nek. Maar daaraan tegen kun je dit wel met respect tegenover het paard beogen tegenover die bitten, ijzer en hoofdstel horror. Ik respecteer je kunstwerk, maar er is nog zoveel te doen om mensen bewuster ervan te maken wat een paard precies inhoud, en wat het betekent om een paard te berijden.

Volg datum > Datum: vrijdag 22 juni 2007, 22:4422-6-07 22:44 Nr:88457
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Article - Stallions: Castration is not the solution Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
I have a dream
By Kenneth Vendelboe

I have for many years believed that stallions were often only made geldings for the simple reason that, "That's what you do." For all these years I dreamt of finding a different way than the commonly accepted way to keep stallions (together with mares), where a castration was not necessary. This dream is the basis of this article.

Finding out how to keep a stallion without putting him in isolation for most of his life was not easy. When I wasn't running my forehead against the Wall of Prejudice and was told that stallions were dangerous, that stallions were fixated on sex, that stallions were uncontrollable, and that stallions really ought to be born pre-castrated, I was mostly just told that stallions couldn't be kept with other horses, that stallions could only think of fighting, and that stallions should just be outlawed. But I refused to believe all these prejudiced opinions. There was a little voice in the back of my head that kept saying it wasn't true. That it didn't have to be true.

In the meantime the dream developed. I lost my heart to the majestic exterior and gentle nature of the Friesian, and in the dream I just know that a 'real' horse herd consisted of this proud Friesian stallion and his mares. The problem was just that, as we all know, a herd with both mares and stallion usually results in a number of foals after about a year, and herein was my biggest problem - I am quite simply too sentimental. I would never be able to sell these foals off, which I got proof for when I bought a pregnant standardbred mare, Diana. Her daughter, Linda, is still running around the pasture, although she's long past the age where she ought to have been sold. She just turned three years old.

In the beginning of the new millenium - yes, we are that far back - I learned of someone in Australia who, to a certain degree, had accomplished what I was dreaming of. However, it turned out that his stallion lived with a naturally sterile mare, and those aren't so easy to come by. But it gave me courage to go on, and I started looking closer at various birth control injections for mares. Unfortunately that was a dead end, at the time the most effective drug was only about 65% effective, and when they were to stay together permanently, the 35% would kick in pretty fast. So that idea was dumped again, and I returned to the drawing board.

Then someone suggested a 'proud cut', as it's called, where the gelding gets to keep a certain amount of the testosterone production, keeps the stallion neck and muscles etc. - and keeps a certain interest in mares. I had my doubt on this solution, and after a bit of research I found out where the doubt came from. It turned out that he'd have trouble with ejaculation, and without that ... well, the mares wouldn't get a moment's peace because he'd keep trying and trying. In the end that sounded almost like animal abuse to me.

By that time I was close to believing my dream would remain a dream - that it simply wasn't possible to keep a stallion in any other way than by isolation from other horses, and that castration - to avoid the isolation - was the only solution.

Then in 2006 came the big breakthrough, the solution where I couldn't find a major drawback. During a conversation with a friend from the Netherlands the topic quickly turned to Friesians - they're from the Netherlands, after all. I think I jokingly asked him if he couldn't get me a cheap, naturally sterile Friesian stallion, and his reply was that it might not be impossible. He knew of a pony stallion who was allowed to freely live with his mares, who covered them a couple of times a day when they were in season, which was about once every three weeks since he couldn't get them pregnant.

This lucky pony stallion had gone through a vasectomy, which is a relatively simple surgical procedure where the vas deferens (the connection between testicles and penis) gets severed, but the testicles get to stay where they are. With this solution the stallion believes he's a stallion, the mares believe he's a stallion, and the only sign that he isn't is the absence of foals. A generally good solution for all parties involved. This idea was discussed for many months, with horse people in many countries, among these at least one expert in equine reproduction - a very sympathetic American. The result was an overwhelming encouragement to try.

For all of this time I had done nothing to make the dream of owning a Friesian stallion actually happen, but with the information I now possessed I started seriously searching through sales ads. In the middle of the summer of 2006 I finally found what I was looking for; a colt for sale in Germany. He was handsome, he was charming, and the price was affordable, so before I knew what was happening the herd had suddenly doubled from two to four, since the needed translator had a filly named Thira af Asgaard for sale. Also a Friesian, and quite adorable. So on Saturday, October 14th, 2006, I was suddenly a stallion owner - even if the 'stallion' at that time was very, very young, just six months old, and acted like anything but a stallion.

I chose to rename this newly arrived colt from his pedigree name of 'Mel Cou' to the more appropriate and easier to pronounce 'Valentin' - with the last syllable pronounced 'teen', not actually 'tin'. I strived to find a somewhat masculine name that wasn't too macho or raw, in an attempt to avoid a self-fulfilling prophecy like Rambo, Killer, Diablo etc. The name Valentin, as most probably know from Valentine's Day, is a name of love, and fit (and still fits) him quite well, both in appearance and nature.

As a big surprise to everyone it became apparent soon after their arrival that the herd's new problem child wasn't Valentin, but Thira, who refused to bend to the absolute rule of the much older mare Diana. Valentin, on the other hand, politely followed orders whenever Diana commanded him around, and after a couple of weeks I caught him nursing from her - she hadn't had milk in her udder for the past two years. She didn't seem to mind, and I haven't seen it happen since. Most probably he needed a bit of extra comfort, as he was very quiet and a bit nervous. For a few months, this was the FULL extent of Valentin's interest in the opposite sex.
Volg datum > Datum: vrijdag 22 juni 2007, 22:4522-6-07 22:45 Nr:88458
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:88457
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: Article - Stallions: Castration is not the solution Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Fall came and ... well, it was 2006, so the fall stayed through the winter. Thira slowly calmed down, although the family often agreed that if Valentin had been gifted with Thira's temper, a castration might just have been preferable. In the meantime Valentin really blossomed. He got a bit braver and more adventurous, though he still followed closely behind Thira. As the non-winter came to an end the time approached for the anticipated surgery, and in mid-February Valentin was sent with Thira for company to Ansager Animal Hospital for his vasectomy. The price of this was quite affordable, at only three times the price of a castration, and a week later the little ones were returned home.

I have in connection to writing this article attempted to contact Ansager Animal Hospital again to get their description of how the surgery went, but they have not replied back yet.

It was two somewhat shocked foals that came home from the hospital. Their stay in a strange stall, among strange people, and the transport back and forth had been a bit more than they could handle. Valentin all but stopped eating for the first week after coming home, and Thira only nipped at her grain now and then. It wasn't unusual to come out and find the food buckets virtually untouched. Hay went down a bit easier, but they both managed to lose several pounds before the mood and appetite returned. By mid-March they were a pair of trouble makers again and gaining weight.

Valentin was ordered stall rest by the vet, which would mean he'd be all alone and abandoned for ten days, since Diana's hocks swell if she stands still for too long. And since Diana is the herd's leader, the others would follow her out. Eventually the stable was closed off with all four inside, so they could at least walk around a bit, and since there was total peace in the herd I wasn't afraid they'd start kicking each other. Ten days later the doors were opened again, and the joy of the reunion with pool of mud we called the pasture was great. Like I said, this was the winter of 2006/2007, where every pasture in Southern Jutland was flooded.

Finally spring came, with longer nights, warmer days, dry weather and sprouting grass. The horses were allowed to stay out longer and longer. During this time the roles started switching between Thira and Valentin. Where Thira had so far been the dominant of the two, had always set the pace, had always decided when to play and not, it now started to be Valentin leading on, and unfortunately that power got a bit to his head. To start with he just nipped her a bit at random, but it turned into him chasing her around the pasture. Funnily I never got out to separate them - because every time I started putting on my shoes, Diana appeared out of nowhere to pry them apart, sending Thira into the stable and Valentin out to the pasture. Then they could each stay there and cool off, while she blocked the stable entrance. This repeated itself two or three times, and hasn't been observed since.

Near the beginning of April Diana, still the undisputed leader of the herd, decided that now she didn't want to sleep indoors anymore. This came suddenly after the big pasture, which had been allowed to stand untouched while the grass grew, had been re-opened. April offered wonderful weather, warm and dry, and as the month went Valentin started showing interest in the girls, if still not a lot. A bit of flehmening here and there, but that was all. On the 28th Thira celebrated her first birthday, and just a couple of days it dawned on Valentin why the mares suddenly seemed so interesting. Now the whole show was put on, with great interest in tails and what lay beneath, flehmening constantly, and three days later, on April 23rd, he lost his virginity to Diana late at night.
Volg datum > Datum: vrijdag 22 juni 2007, 22:4622-6-07 22:46 Nr:88459
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:88458
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: Article - Stallions: Castration is not the solution Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
In these days, as Valentin truly found out his own gender, everyone paid close attention to his behavior. Did he get rougher? Did he turn aggressive? Did he fixate his thoughts on covering? Did he turn impossible to handle? Did he stop eating? No, quite the contrary:

He was still just as gentle; one night I went to check on the horses, he ended up sleeping in my lap for 45 minutes - and even after that long I had to force him to move, because it was getting late. While I sat with him in my lap he started dreaming, and it turned out he talks in his sleep, so to speak. At least the hurring, low nickering, which is usually used to convince a mare to raise her tail, revealed what he was dreaming about.

There was no aggression to find in him. The closest would have to be when he chased the dogs out of the pasture, but that was a game they'd played for months by then, so I didn't care much about it: He chases the dogs out of the pasture, the next second they chase him back towards the middle of it, and they can go on back and forth several times like that. They never hurt each other.

Fixated on covering, then? Countless times, the first day Thira was in season, she'd stand ready for him with her tail raised, and almost just as many times he'd walk right by her. It wasn't him, who could think of nothing else, but her, which again came as a bit of a surprise. Any concerns that he'd be rough during mating were put away as well, as he turned out to be both gentle and careful.

How about impossible to handle? ONE of the prejudices had to stick! But no, for the first time ever he was taken on a little trip in a lead rope outside the pasture, and he actually behaved better than Linda had done the day before. The mares were taken out after turn to teach him that they could leave the pasture without him being allowed to interfere, but to avoid him feeling overlooked, he also got a little walk.

But the food? Stallions forget all about eating when mares are nearby, right? Actually not. In reality it made me very unpopular with Thira when I stole his attention by asking if no one wanted breakfast. Valentin immediately forgot all about her and came trotting in to find his food bucket.

So as things are now the dream really has come true. If his gentle nature doesn't change drastically as he grows older, which I have a good feeling it won't, then Valentin, Diana, Linda and Thira now all have a life far closer to what it'd be in the wild. They have a herd as it would've looked on the plains, and they each of them seems the happier for it.

In time the herd's life will possibly be different from life in the more traditional domestic herds, which only consist of mares or geldings, who have nothing to do with each other, or in still rarer cases mares and geldings in the same herd. Valentin's life will most probably be far different from what most stallions are used to. I can say beyond doubt that I will be watching for any changes and developments as they happen, that I'll document them, that dreams just might become reality - and that castration is no longer the only solution.

If there are specific questions, problems or points of general curiosity you would like to have answered, you are more than welcome to send me an email - they will be answered in the next article.
Volg datum > Datum: zondag 8 juli 2007, 17:558-7-07 17:55 Nr:90172
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:90096
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: ..en de páárden? Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Huertecilla schreef op zaterdag 7 juli 2007, 9:52:


> Het ménsenbelang is me duidelijk en de páárden?
> hc

Het paard belasten voor plezier, overbelasting van het paard leidt tot ijzers. Een goed bedoelde kwaal alleen vóór het plezier van de mens.
Wat is het belang van het paard? Vraagt de persoon in kwestie dit zich wel af?
Volg datum > Datum: zondag 8 juli 2007, 23:348-7-07 23:34 Nr:90193
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen Re:90191
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: ..en de páárden? Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Jacqueline v d Berg schreef op zondag 8 juli 2007, 23:20:

> Muguet schreef op zondag 8 juli 2007, 21:08:
>> Snoopy schreef op zondag 8 juli 2007, 20:15:

> gewoon spraken van een nultolerantiepolitiek. Wat is daar de
> bedoeling van? (wil niet generaliseren want gelukkig is niet
> iedereen hier zo)
> Kan het één echter met het ander niet rijmen......

Gevaar van internet en forums. Laatst nog iemand persoonlijk mogen ontmoetten die door iedereen als kwaadaardig en dierenbeul werd omschreven, in feite een goedhartige vrouw die precies weet wat ze met haar paarden doen en die zeker niet haar paarden beschadigd. Schrijven op een forum, achter ieder bericht zit een mens.

Vele vergeten dat.
Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 17 juli 2007, 20:0617-7-07 20:06 Nr:91086
Volg auteur > Van: Sky Opwaarderen
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Piet Structuur


Jarig op 19-9

552 berichten
sinds 2-2-2006
Hey Piet,

Ik ken iemand die op Carlos heeft leren (manege in Purmerend) rijden en die graag met je zou willen mailen. Zou je er bezwaar tegen hebben als ik je mail adres doorgeef? Nog gecondoleerd, hij heeft een mooie leeftijd behaalt en heeft het zeker goed bij jou gehad.

Groetjes Chantal
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