Nils Vellinga schreef op woensdag 21 februari 2007, 20:34:
> Piet schreef op woensdag 21 februari 2007, 18:06:
>> e m kraak schreef op woensdag 21 februari 2007, 17:57:

> zijn "hozen"uit moest trekken als hij de keuken van de boerin
> binnen kwam

> Nils en Olly
Death Of A Bromfly
The fly fell in the butter
and said: 'How strange that I
who was born a brommer
should die a butterfly'
A hot headed Drent in Ter Aple
who always ran too hard from staple
forsplintered his plate
when the waitress was late
and gave her a lell with his laple.
A terrible infant called Peter
sprenkled his bed with a gheeter.
His father got woost,
took hold of a knoost
and gave him a pack on his meter.
John O'Mill
my hair is in the war, and I let a farmer slip
En om dan op paarden terug te komen,
Een nederlander tegen een engelsman:
NL: I fok horses for a living.
EN: Pardon?
NL: Yes paarden!