Gewoon een stimulerend berichtje uit een mailgroup geplukt op de maandagmorgen
Janet, I have been with this group for a while and occasionally need help understanding some questions that come up for various founders I work on. I have had a lot of success in the last dozen or so horses I've worked on. I have only had two client horses end up being put down over the last seven years because there was no positive change despite what was done including diet and trimming. The horses were just too far gone.
But most of the others really come around quick after a few conservative but beneficial trims. One mare I've worked on for about a year now had been foundered for at least 15 years of her life before I met her. She is sound and happy now due to the owner listening to my advice about diet and exercise and frequent monthly trims to get ahead of the heel growth. I also have another mare that the owner did x-rays on three different occasions showing how the barefoot trim was helping the new growth come in connected and how the new capsule growing in was parallel to the coffin bone at the coronet band once the foot was balanced. That client is getting that same mare x-rayed this week to show the final results of trimming a balanced hoof. The mare was rotated 10 degrees in the fores and 1-2 degrees in the hind and is now totally sound. Even the vet that did the x-rays was pretty amazed at the progress and has since started referring me to clients.

Finally a veterinarian who is seeing first hand how barefoot really can help instead of slapping a shoe on a hoof.
The one thing I focus on is diet, diet, matter the cause of the founder. There was obviously something that upset the apple cart like a drug interaction...but how close was that horse to foundering anyway? Subclinical laminitis may be going on but there is no obvious lameness. Add one more stessor to the mix and then you have a full blown episode. I think eliminating all possible feeds that add to the inflammatory response should be something to consider. Maybe even a grazing muzzle.
Everything that Tarn said is right. I have used many of her suggestions and trim the hoof to where the outer wall is passive to the ground and the sole is touching the ground. You would be amazed at how fast the hoof will heal when it is stimulated by the ground contact and starts developing concavity. The stress on the outer wall is lessened and the blood flow to the bottom of the coffin bone is restored once the heel is lowered and the pressure on the toe is removed.
I will be following this thread with interest. I have two Welsh ponies to trim tomorrow that are both foundered and have been in trouble for a long time. I was a last resort after the farrier she was using didn't want to show up anymore. I believe a lot of farriers don't truly understand what founder is or how to treat it. They get discouraged because the horse isn't getting any better and just give up. I jump at the chance to work on these horses. I love seeing the progress. It still surprises me every time they improve.
Montgomery Barefoot Trimming
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