Monique Meijer schreef op woensdag, 5 oktober 2005, 12:01:
> Wendy-hb schreef op woensdag, 5 oktober 2005, 11:39:
>> Monique Meijer schreef op woensdag, 5 oktober 2005, 11:08:

> het en is het van Ramey???????
> Kunnen de wat meer ervaren bekappers hier hun inspiratie/kennis
> op loslaten? Zou mij ook erg interesseren.
> Monique
....this process is only partially complete, you will see a flat spot adjacent to the white line and a concaved shape to the area of live sole closer to the frog. This flat area reliably shows you where the sole is still too thin. It is very important to note that as the horse tries to build this natural sole thickness, it will often prioritize key areas where the sole thickness is needed the most. The result will be "lumps or bumps" on the flat area. Many trimmers routinely trim away these bumps; working against the horse's attempts to build adequate solar concavity. You must visualize the natural flow of the individual horse's solar concavity and determine if that flow goes all the way out to the white line, without going flat, anywhere. That lump may be the only correct spot on the whole foot. If it falls within the "imaginary bowl" of natural concavity, you should leave it and hope it spreads over the rest of the sole.
uit: jullie hier iets aan? groetjes, Joop