

Frans Veldman2-8-03
Boek "Horse, Follow Closely" - Gawani Pony BoyBestellen
Een prachtig boek, geschreven door een Indiaan, natural horsemanship ten top! Alleen al om de prachtige kleurenfoto's is dit boek al zijn geld meer dan waard. "If we are to understand our relationship with the horse, we must first understand the relationship we have with the entire animal kingdom. The human species, directly or indirectly, affects all other species on the planet, even those species we don't directly come in contact with. Every one of our actions affects all living things, and therein lies our responsibility to the natural world. Native Americans understood this. They held at their core the belief that all species are related. They also understood that a certain level of awareness must take place before we can truly communicate with that which is all around us." Bestelinformatie
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